Boseong Green Tea Festival 2020 (From Seoul)
寶城茶香節 2020 (首爾出發)
Boseong, Jeollanam-do
Price(WON) 優惠減 5,000韓元!
Adult Age Over 13 78,000
Kids Age from 3 to 12 78,000
Infant Age under 3 free
Product Types
Local tour, One day tour
Serving Language
Operation period
1st May (Fri) 取消
Available Day
1st May (Fri) 取消
Boseong Green Tea Festival is held every May in Boseong Tea Plantation listed on ""31 Beautiful Sights on This Incredible Planet"" by CNN, USA.
Tea Festival was held at the tea plantation on the hillside of Hwalseongsan Mountain on May 12, 1985 with pride in being the largest tea producer and the cradle of the tea industry in Korea. Since Boseong has held a variety of tea events including the ritual for Tea God to pray for a good harvest of tea, Picking Tea Leaves, Making Tea and Tea Lady Contest, Tea festival was held together with the 12th Boseong Citizens' Day in 1986. It has been elevating itself as the representative tea culture festival in Korea.
主辦茶香節的寶城為韓國長久以來規模最大的茶葉產地,也是著名的專業產茶發祥地。寶城綠茶園每年5月舉辦寶城茶香節,這裏經常成爲韓國影視劇的拍攝地。另外,寶成綠茶園還入選過旅行情報網站CNN GO選出的“韓國一定要去看的美景50選”。活動場地主要以綠茶園為中心,可直接體驗採茶、製茶、茶葉料理試吃等深受遊客們喜愛的各項活動。此外還有茶葉展覽、販售攤位及表演等,活動期間吸引眾多遊客前來。
Min 1/Max ∞
Hotel Pick-up/drop-off?
NO hotel Pick-up/drop-off service
Cancellation Policy
3 days before tour date(by 10am K.S.T.) 100% refund
2 days before tour date(by 10am K.S.T.) 50% refund
1 day before tour date(by 10am K.S.T.) No refund
出發前3日(韓國時間上午10時為止) 100%退款
出發前2日(韓國時間上午10時為止) 50%退款
出發前1日(韓國時間上午10時為止) 恕不設退款
6:30am Leave from Hongik Univ. Station Exit 4
7:00am Leave from Myeongdong Station Exit 2
7:10am Leave from Dongdaemun History & Culture Park Station Exit 10
12:10pm~4:30pm Enjoy Boseong Green Tea Festival (Korean Tea Culture Park + Daehan Dawon Green Tea Plantation)
4:30pm Leave for Seoul
9:30pm Arrive at Dongdaemun History & Culture Park Station
9:40pm Arrive at Myeongdong Station
10:10pm Arrive at Hongik Univ. Station
上午06:30 弘大站 4號出口出發
上午07:00 明洞站 2號出口出發
上午07:10 東大門歷史文化公園站 10號出口出發
下午12:10-4:30 抵達寶城茶香節,享受自由時間(韓國茶文化公園 + 寶城綠茶園大韓茶園)
下午4:30 返回首爾
下午9:30 抵達東大門歷史文化公園站
下午9:40 抵達明洞站
下午10:10 抵達弘大站
Transportation, English speaking staff, Admission Ticket
來回交通, 中/英語工作人員, 入場劵
Meals, Traveler's insurance
Other Notes
- Itinerary is subjected to traffic & weather condition
- Please inform us if you will be bring along a baby stroller or wheelchair
- Infant is free of charge, no seat available