
首爾團|秋季郊遊賞花一天團 Seoul Tour|Autumn Flowers One Day Tour

Product Name
Seoul Tour|Autumn Flowers One Day Tour
Yangju Nari Park+Majanghosu Lake+Goyang Starfield+Eunpyeong Hanok Village
楊州 Nari 公園+馬場湖水+高陽 Starfield+恩平韓屋村
注意:楊州 Nari Park 確認將會營運至10月20日,這團將會以另一個賞花地點所取替。
10月23、30號 改往河南渼沙里競艇公園 (粉紅芒草+賞楓+湖水+可以自費租四輪單車)
10月26號 改往仁川夢之園 Dream Park (粉紅芒草+波波草+波斯菊等多種花卉)

Seoul, Gyeonggi-do, Yangju, Paju, Goyang

Adult 72,000won 優惠價 62,000韓元
Kids  71,000won 優惠價 61,000韓元

Product Types
Local tour, One day tour

Serving Language
Chinese & English*

Product Season
Available Day
Mon, Thur

Yangju Nari Park
More than 50 kinds of flowers including pink muhly and roses. The highlight of the park is a sea of pink muhly. Get your camera ready and capture the special moment with your family or friends as you immerse in a dreamy and hazy vibe.

楊州 Nari 公園
人氣打卡點。千日紅會率先盛開,期後更會有掃帚草(波波草)、粉黛亂子草(粉紅芒草)、金黃的大波斯菊等等…… 絕對不能錯過的!9月、10月必去!


Majanghosu Lake
The suspension bridge of Majang Lake opened in Paju in March 2018. The bridge which is over 220m long and 10m high is presently the longest suspension bridge near Seoul. The suspension bridge is accessible to get to and does not require a hike. Also, do check out the stunning scenery including the wooden broad walk along the beautiful lake.



Goyang Starfield
The biggest and most famous shopping mall in Gyeonggi-do. The mall has a variety of different restaurant that can meet your taste. Make the most of your time here, you either can go on a shopping spree or visit Aquafield Spa where you can experience traditional Korean spa to rejuvenate your mind and restore your energy.

高陽 Starfield
京畿道高陽市大型商場 Starfield,有很多餐廳、商店及設施,吃喝玩樂應有盡有。


Eunpyeong Hanok Village
Get a deeper understanding about Korean culture and tradition. The village is filled with historic hanok buildings. Take a walk and look around at this spacious village as enwrap yourself in the quiet and nostalgic aura. Appreciate the simple yet delicate design of hanok buildings.



Min 5 / Max ∞
最少 5 / 最多 ∞

Hotel Pick-up/drop-off?
NO hotel Pick-up/drop-off service

Cancellation Policy
100% refundable until 2 days (by 10am K.S.T.) prior to travel date.
Not refundable after 10am 2 days prior to travel date.
出發前2日(韓國時間上午10時為止) 100%退款
出發前2日(韓國時間上午10時後) 恕不設退款

07:30 Depart from Hongik Univ. Station Exit 4
08:00 Depart from Myeongdong Station Exit 2
08:10 Depart from Dongdaemun History & Culture Park Station Exit 10
09:00~10:30 Yangju Nari Park
11:15~12:30 Majanghosu Lake
13:15~15:15 Goyang Starfield+Lunch Time
15:30~16:45 Eunpyeong Hanok village
17:30 Arrive at Hongik Univ. Station
18:00 Arrive at Myeongdong Station
18:10 Arrive at Dongdaemun History & Culture Park Station

07:30 弘大入口地鐵站4號出口出發
08:00 明洞地鐵站2號出口出發
08:10 東大門歷史文化公園地鐵站10號出口出發
09:00~10:30 楊州 Nari 公園
11:15~12:30 馬場湖水
13:15~15:15 高陽 Starfield+自由午餐
15:30~16:45 恩平韓屋村
17:30 抵達弘大入口站
18:00 抵達明洞站
18:10 抵達東大門歷史文化公園站

Transportation, Chinese & English-speaking staff*, Yangju Nari Park Ticket
交通、中國語&英語工作人員*、楊州 Nari 公園門票

Meals, traveler's insurance

Other Notes
- Itinerary is subjected to traffic & weather condition
- Please inform us if you will be bring along a baby stroller or wheelchair
- Infant is free of charge, no seat available
- 行程時間或會因交通及天氣而受影響。
- 如果你攜帶嬰兒車或輪椅,請預早通知我們。
- 36個月以下的嬰兒可免費同行, 惟不佔座位。

K-Picnic Travel (주)소풍여행사

韓國商業登記證 사업자등록증
Business License:874-81-00545
韓國旅行社牌照 관광사업등록증
Tourism Business License: 2017-000001